Satsuma Condominium Complex

Satsuma Condominium Complex

Location: 5311 Satsuma Avenue No. Hollywood, CA 91205

Owner: LEMA Corporation

General: Southland HVAC & Construction

Construction Value: $4,000,000

Completion Dates: October ‘07  

The Satsuma Condominium Complex is a new construction building made up of 201 luxury condominiums located in a high demand section of North Hollywood California. Each unit boats between 1,200 and 1,500 square feet of living space with every amenity expected from a luxury unit. The complex is complete with a recreation area, a court yard, a formal dining room and private underground parking.

Southland HVAC & Construction was proud to be selected as the General Contractor for the construction of the Satsuma Condominium Complex. In addition to commanding the construction site as the General, Southland also designed, built and installed the HVAC system. All sheet metal ducting was self fabricated and delivered to the project.